Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Russia launches $5 billion Sberbank stake sale

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia attracted strong investor interest in the sale of a $5 billion stake in Sberbank on Monday, reducing its control in Europe's third-largest bank by equity value and reviving its stalled privatization program.

The sale of a 7.6 percent stake in Sberbank has been held up for more than a year by weak markets, but last week's announcement of a new round of credit easing by the U.S. Federal Reserve lifted sentiment and opened the window to a placement.

"This was the best imaginable day of the past 15 months to take the decision to go to the market," Chief Executive German Gref told Reuters in a telephone interview, after Sberbank stock hit its highest since April on Friday.

Gref said he hoped asset managers in China, Singapore and Hong Kong, among others, would be interested in the three-day offering, which may be closed early if there are enough orders.

Market sources said the order book had already been covered by Monday evening in Moscow, with bids for the 1.71 billion shares on offer coming in at 93.5 roubles or higher - above a minimum of 91 roubles - putting a value of at least 160 billion roubles ($5.25 billion) on the offering.

The sale will help clear a stock overhang that has held back the recent share performance of the former Soviet state savings bank, and capped Russian market valuations at a big discount to other emerging markets.

It will boost the liquidity of Russia's most actively traded stock, widely viewed by investors as a proxy for economic growth running at 4 percent, and by one estimate the world's best-performing large company stock over the past decade after U.S. Apple Inc , maker of the iPhone.


While delivering a welcome revenue windfall, the sale also sends a signal to markets that President Vladimir Putin, who returned to the Kremlin in May, is willing to press ahead with privatizations after a lengthy pause.

Russia has set out ambitious plans to reduce the 50 percent share of the state in the economy to boost efficiency and growth but, despite running a budget surplus thanks to high oil prices, has proved unwilling to sell state assets on the cheap.

"Russia will probably start to perform because Sberbank will perform," said Bruce Bower, a portfolio manager at Moscow-based fund manager Verno Capital, which owns Sberbank and will seek to add to its position via the secondary offering.

"Firstly, if they can find $5 billion for this they can find money for other privatizations," added Bower. "Secondly, there was a lot of worry that the government was not committed to reform. I think this forces (critics) to revise their opinions."

The Sberbank deal will also set the tone for an initial public offering planned by Russia's No.2 mobile phone company MegaFon , which could happen within weeks and which analysts estimate could raise $3 billion.


Sberbank said it would price the sale of 1.7 billion shares at between 91 roubles ($2.99) apiece and the market price at the time of closing the books on the sale.

The minimum price represents a discount of 6 percent to Friday's close of 97.05 roubles. Although the bank's stock fell 1.5 percent on Monday to 95.57 roubles, sources close to the placement said investor demand was brisk. Pricing will be set late on Tuesday and announced on Wednesday.

"The timing of the deal is perfect: first, you have strong global market dynamics," said Jason Hurwitz, a senior analyst covering the financial sector at Alfa Bank in Moscow.

"Secondly, we think it is clear that Russian banks including Sberbank will face diminishing profitability," added Hurwitz. "So why not sell the stake now?"

While the government had eyed a sale price above 100 roubles per share, holding out could have proved risky as the Russian economy is losing momentum as demand for exports of oil and gas to Europe is sapped by the euro zone debt crisis.

Nonetheless the offering, which values Sberbank at a price-to-book multiple of 1.4 times, "is extremely cheap" compared to other emerging markets banks, said Kirill Bagachenko, a senior portfolio manager at TKB BNP Paribas Investment Partners.


The stock sale marks a milestone in a restructuring drive by Gref - a former economy minister appointed CEO in late 2007 - to transform Sberbank from a bloated bureaucracy into a modern universal bank with international ambitions.

Founded 170 years ago, Sberbank became a Soviet state monopoly and, in a legacy of the command economy, still controls 46 percent of Russian household deposits.

That, plus its quasi-sovereign status, gives Sberbank a huge funding advantage over its Western rivals, helping it to post net interest margins of over 6 percent and a chunky return on equity of 26 percent. Among European banks, only HSBC and Santander have a bigger equity value than Sberbank.

Sberbank has snapped up cheap foreign banking assets - most recently buying Turkey's Denizbank for $3.6 billion. But, after criticism from analysts that it was taking its eye off the ball in Russia, management has said it is not pursuing further takeover opportunities abroad.

Of the aggregate offering, up to 10 percent will be placed via Moscow's MICEX stock exchange, Sberbank said. At the discretion of the central bank, through which the state holds its controlling stake in Sberbank, the share of the offering to be placed in Moscow may be increased to 15 percent.

Sberbank will make the bulk of the placement in London in the form of global depositary shares, with each GDS representing four ordinary shares. No new shares will be sold, meaning the proceeds of the stock offering will accrue to the state.

The central bank, which will cut its stake in Sberbank to 50 percent plus one voting share through the sale, appointed Credit Suisse, Goldman Sachs International, J.P. Morgan, Morgan Stanley and Troika Dialog as joint global coordinators of the deal.

Sberbank said that its subsidiary LLC Sberbank Investments may acquire the equivalent of up to 20 billion roubles of ordinary shares in the offering at the offer price and on the same terms as other investors.

Gref said some of the shares bought would fund an executive incentive plan, while the remainder would be held in treasury.

(Additional reporting by Olga Popova and Megan Davies; Writing by Douglas Busvine; Editing by Anna Willard)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/russia-launches-5-billion-sberbank-stake-sale-151357264--finance.html

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Metop weather sat set for launch

One of the most important European space launches of the year takes place from Baikonur, Kazakhstan, later.

A Soyuz rocket will put the four-tonne Metop-B satellite in orbit to acquire critical data for weather forecasters.

The spacecraft will ensure there is continuity of observations following on from Metop-A, which was launched in 2006.

The computer models that provide our daily forecasts have come to rely heavily on this satellite data.

Metop-A's information now makes the single largest contribution to the accuracy of the one-day look-ahead.

"Now, you could not imagine predicting the weather without satellites," said Dr Alain Ratier, the director general of Eumetsat, the intergovernmental organisation charged with running Europe's weather platforms.

"Based on scientific studies run by the main met services in Europe, it can be shown that 25% of the performance of 24-hour forecasts can be explained by the input data of the Metop class," he told BBC News.

Lift-off from Baikonur is set for 22:28 local time (16:28 GMT; 17:28 BST).

The Soyuz-2.1 rocket will place the new Metop satellite in a tandem orbit with its predecessor at an altitude of just over 800km.

The pair will fly around the globe from pole to pole, passing over the equator at 0930 local lime.

Their operation in formation will enable their observations to be cross-calibrated.

Scientists can then be satisfied by the quality of the new data and reassured of its continuing availability as Metop-A, which is now operating beyond its design lifetime, begins to fail.

Metop-B carries the exact same instruments as the A platform.

This suite of sensors looks down through the different layers in the atmosphere to record a wide range of variables.

These include measurements of temperature and humidity, cloud properties, and an array of gases such as ozone, carbon dioxide, methane and nitrogen dioxide.

Metop will also monitor sea surface temperature, snow and ice cover, and the state of land vegetation. It has even found important roles in watching for fires on the ground and the spread of volcanic ash in the air.

The Metop system is run in unison with the Americans, who have their own polar-orbiting satellites. This space information complements that from balloons, surface stations and aeroplanes (and not forgetting other types of satellite).

All of this data is fed into the numerical models that produce weather forecasts several hours to 10 days ahead, but Metop's input is recognised to have by far the biggest impact on what has been a steady improvement year by year.

"The forecasts have improved tremendously over the past decades," said Dr Florence Rabier from the numerical weather prediction group at Meteo France.

"We say that we gain in predictability about a day per decade, which means that every decade the four-day forecast is now as accurate as the three-day forecast was 10 years ago."

Europe has a third satellite already built and in store - Metop-C. Assuming there is no launch failure on Monday and the B platform works as expected, no decision will be made to put up this C satellite until later in the decade.

However, a determination is required very soon on what to do about a Metop follow-on project.

The so-called Eumetsat Polar System, Second Generation (EPS-SG) is expected to cost just shy of 3bn euros.

Although its first spacecraft will likely not be needed until the early 2020s, the complexity of the systems involved means R&D work must get under way as soon as possible.

Eumetsat will engage the European Space Agency (Esa) for this. The member states of Esa are due to meet in November to approve the arrangements and funding for the R&D on EPS-SG.

Eumetsat's own members also still need to approve the overall programme.

Jonathan.Amos-INTERNET@bbc.co.uk and follow me on Twitter: @BBCAmos

Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-19619779#sa-ns_mchannel=rss&ns_source=PublicRSS20-sa

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Inset training was a government scheme set up in 1988 where each state run school was required to take 5 inset days every year. The purpose of these days was for teachers to refresh their methods and develop their skills in order to promote a happier more successful classroom. We all understand in any profession that on going training is a great thing and research shows it will always improve performance, and there a fewer more important places than the classroom Inset Training is a vital part of the health of any school and hence the pupils so the days should be used to their full advantage.
C S Education Services is a leading UK provider of specific inset training, with 35 years of experience in this very niche field and our passion and commitment to education it is easy to see why we are widely regarded as amongst the very best! The courses we provide are wide and varied and including effective learning, the new Ofsted lesson observation criteria, special schools criteria and courses specifically for music. The courses can be held in one of our country wide training facilities or we can accommodate in house training in your school which combats any disruption.
All of our courses are very popular depending on your specific requirements since Ofsted (education regulatory body) released the new Ofsted lesson observation criteria we have designed a course especially for this and can teach your team the correct way as per Ofsted to ensure that your establishment is ticking all of the regulatory boxes and you can be confident that your teaching team are performing to their highest potential.
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Source: http://articlebro.com/2012/reference-education/make-the-most-of-inset-training-days-with-cs-education-services/

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Monday, September 17, 2012

Gurl on Girl-Gaming: Memory Lane Monday: My First Computer Game

While I wasn't introduced to gaming consoles until I was about six, my family was one of the few I knew who had a personal desktop computer at home.? My dad mostly used?it for work, but my parents were fairly keen on me learning how to use said computer.? I don't know if it was amazing foresight on my father's part, or if he was just paranoid that I would become too curious and break the computer, but he taught me how to use our IBM when I was just three years old. Today, it is quite common for children as young as six months old to have a basic grasp of using technology like smart phones, but when I was a child, I was the only kid I knew whose parents had a computer, yet alone the wherewithal to teach me how to use it properly. My parents saw our computer as a learning tool.? I saw it as a game. A mysterious and wonderful game.? I remember being three, sitting on my dad's lap in our basement while he taught me how to use MS-DOS and showed me the proper way to handle?the awesomeness that was the?floppy disk.

My dad would let me "help" him work on the computer often enough. He would tell me what to type into MS-DOS to open his program or spreadsheet and then let me type or push the Enter button when he needed me to. Maybe it was my incessant prodding that I ask to "help" him on the computer that wore him down to buy me games-only educational ones at my mom's insistence-but whatever it was, I'm so glad he did.? Ernie and Rubber Duckie were my favorite characters on Sesame Street and thankfully those characters were featured in their very own logic/puzzle learning game, Ernie's Big Splash. I adored this game. The?game's purpose was to teach children basic logic and directions. Ernie would start in one random?area of the screen in his bathtub, and the player's job was to get Rubber Duckie from his spout and soap dish starting point to Ernie's bathtub using a combination of water-based mechanisms on puzzle pieces.? Once Rubber Duckie was back with Ernie, there would be a little song and dance and much rejoicing! Yay! The best part was that the mechanisms/puzzle pieces the game gave you were each different and whimsical. Sometimes it was just your basic water slide or pipe, but there was also a crocodile, a boat and even a washing machine.

?Ernie's Big Splash opened the door to other educational games (like Reader Rabbit and the Super Solver series) which my mom was happy to buy for me because the games were educational in nature.? But, Ernie lit a tiny spark in my wee soul and whet my appetite for more games. Games, games all the time! But more access to more games would take a lot of convincing on my part. Yup. Just another 6 years and I would have my very own game console. I wore 'em down good. I'm nothing if not persistent and stubborn.
? So, thank you, Mom and Dad, for obliging me my obsession with video games, even when you didn't (and maybe still don't) quite understand?what an impact it had on who I am today.
? ?

Source: http://www.gurlongirlgaming.com/2012/09/memory-lane-monday-my-first-computer.html

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Saturday, September 15, 2012

DIY Aluminum Ladder Wheel Truck [Ladders]

DIY Aluminum Ladder Wheel TruckIf you have a large aluminum extension ladder it can be difficult to maneuver to the room or outdoor area where you plan on setting up the ladder. If you have access to a welder you can build a simple wheel truck using lawnmower wheels, steel rebar, and a few miscellaneous hardware items such as hex bolts, locking washers, and split pins.

Instructables user Phil B came up with the idea of using the holes created where the aluminum ladder rungs attach to the sides of the ladder to attach a triangle-shaped truck with a lawnmower wheel on the bottom. Phil's version uses welded steel rebar (concrete reinforcement bars) permanently attached to the ladder but I'm sure you could fabricate a similar system if wood if you don't have a welder handy.

See full step-by-step instructions and photos at the source link below.

Make a Ladder Easier to Move | Instructables

Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/lifehacker/full/~3/loGof0eiWfk/diy-aluminum-ladder-wheel-truck

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Serious Skin Care Blog: Skin Health: Understanding Skin Cancer

I know there are lots of women out there who are willing to spend a great amount of fortune to beautify their skin. Great skin, after all, plays a big part to one's beauty. However, how many of them actually prioritize skin health? Sunbathing on the beach,?skin tanning, buying questionable skin care products from unscrupulous merchants are just some of the actions they would go for the sake of beauty. But to me, before delving into the topic of skin beauty, one must first learn about skin health, for skin health is a prerequisite to beautiful skin.

Exposing the skin to Ultraviolet (UV) rays, such going to tanning baths or sunbathing, increases the risk of skin cancer. Although UV rays is one of the common cause of skin cancer, but there are also many cases where skin cancer develops to unexposed parts of the skin. Possible contributing factors are exposure of the skin to toxic chemicals from household products or skin care products, and weak immune system. Going outdoors with sufficient protection from the sun, avoiding tanning beds and tanning lamps, and learning a great deal about your everyday household and skin care products are some of the steps to avoid skin cancer.

I am presenting you this link from the American Academy of Dermatology about spotting skin cancer. Early detection greatly increases the chances of survival. The page includes the steps on how to self-examine your skin. It also includes pictures and descriptions of abnormal growths so you cam easily identify any symptoms that may be present.

For a quick overview, here's AAD's brochure?regarding skin cancer detection.

American Academy of Dermatology

Source: http://seriousskincareblog.blogspot.com/2012/09/skin-health-understanding-skin-cancer.html

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Thursday, September 13, 2012

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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

India nuclear protesters wade into sea to escape cops


Residents, protesting against the Russian-built Kudamkulam nuclear plant, march towards the plant at Kudamkulam, Tamil Nadu state, India, on Sept. 9, 2012. Activists argue that Japan's Fukushima nuclear disaster showed that such plants are vulnerable to natural disasters.


Police chase demonstrators during a protest near a nuclear power project in Kudankulam on September 10, 2012.


Police detain a demonstrator during a protest near a nuclear power project in Kudankulam on September 10, 2012.

Reuters reports ??Indian riot police fired tear gas to break up thousands of protesters on a beach near the country's largest nuclear power project, due to fire up within weeks despite months of opposition.

Demonstrators waded into the crashing waves or escaped in fishing boats as hundreds of police advanced, television images showed. Rocks were thrown at police and several injuries were reported on both sides.

Some 4,000 activists, mainly women and children from fishing villages, had camped on the beach about a mile from the Kudankulam power station to complain about the threat of radiation from the plant near the southern tip of India. Read the full story.

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Source: http://photoblog.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/09/10/13778106-india-nuclear-protesters-wade-into-sea-to-escape-police-charge?lite

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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Rothschild banker Kingman returns to UK Treasury


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Man, 81, accused of killing retired cop, 82, for revenge

Their paths had crossed before: the career lawman and the man known around their small Kentucky town for having a mean streak.

Now authorities are investigating whether a slow-burning desire for revenge that began with an arrest a decade ago was behind last month's death of Herbert Proffitt, 82, who was gunned down in his driveway while he went to fetch the mail.

Charles Hammer, 81, is accused of killing the former police chief and sheriff, who arrested him in 2002 on charges of harassment, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.

"It appears that there was an ax to grind," said Trooper Billy Gregory, a spokesman for Kentucky State Police post handling the investigation. "It appears to me to be revenge."

The slaying has staggered people in Tompkinsville, a tight-knit town in the hills of south-central Kentucky, about 120 miles south of Louisville. The Proffitts' only child, Jeff, is mayor.

Five days after her husband was killed, Bernice Proffitt died. Family friends described the cause of death as a broken heart. Hundreds turned out for the funeral of the man known affectionately as "Sprocket," a nickname that stuck since his teenage days of fixing bicycles at a service station.

"The town for a week had no direction," said City Attorney Reed Moore, a family friend. "Nobody around the (town) square got anything done. They just walked around with a blank look on their face."

During his law enforcement days, which spanned more than a half-century, Proffitt was known for using his wits to defuse plenty of dangerous situations in the Appalachian foothills, his friends said.

"His best weapon was his knowledge of people and how to handle them," said Tompkinsville Police Chief Dale Ford, who worked under Proffitt and considered him a mentor.

But Proffitt never worried that someone he had put away might someday seek revenge, they said.

"He was never the type of person who would look over his shoulder," said Ricky Richardson, a city commissioner.

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Monroe County Judge-Executive Tommy Willett said Proffitt was willing to extend a hand to those he once cuffed.

"If he put somebody in jail, he'd be friends with that person ? if they let him ? when they got out," he said.

While town residents mourned Proffitt, they also shared stories about the man accused of killing him and his troubled past.

Hammer's initial court appearance is scheduled for Tuesday. Court records turned up no sign that Hammer has lined up an attorney, but a brother came to his defense.

"I don't think he did it," Jerry Hammer told The Associated Press in a phone interview. "I think he's covering (up) for somebody." He declined further comment before hanging up.

Bev McClendon, another former local sheriff who said he was friends with Proffitt and Hammer, said Hammer harbored feelings for years of having been wronged. He said Hammer once remarked that McClendon had never barged onto his property, unlike others in law enforcement.

"Sometimes people in these hills and hollows carry a vendetta if they think they've been mistreated," McClendon said.

Ford, the police chief, said Hammer had a history of violence that led to his arrest on several occasions. Arrest records show Hammer had several times been picked up for alcohol intoxication, disorderly conduct and harassment, among other charges.

"I feel like he probably thought everybody was against him, and everything that happened to him was not his fault," Ford said. "He didn't want to accept the truth of who really put him in the position he's been in in life, and he wanted to blame that on somebody else."

Wanda Cleary, who lives near Hammer's farmstead in rural Monroe County, said he had a reputation for being mean.

"I didn't know him that well, but I knew him enough that I didn't want to be around him," she said.

Now, investigators say it was Proffitt who arrested Hammer in 2002. Records show he was charged with harassment, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. He was eventually convicted of harassment. He was acquitted of resisting arrest, and the disorderly conduct charge was dismissed.

State police say they found copies of Hammer's arrest citations when they searched his home after Proffitt's death.

Years earlier, Hammer was convicted of wanton endangerment and sentenced to a year in state prison. He served less than two months under a policy called shock probation.

Hammer comes from a big family that includes three brothers who live in the area. He is divorced and two of his daughters live in the area ? one is a school teacher, the other works at a bank. He lived on a family farm near town, but what he did for a living was a mystery, residents said. Up until the Aug. 28 shooting, Hammer was routinely seen around town but kept to himself.

"You could meet him on the streets and he wouldn't acknowledge you, he'd just keep on a going," Ford said.

Cleary said Hammer once asked her out on a date, a few years after her husband had died.

"I told him I didn't need no man," she said.

The outburst of violence involving two men both in their 80s added to the shock of the tragedy.

"Usually a man gets religion," McClendon said. "He has a fear of God and he decides to change his life if there was an old feud a going on. I've seen it happen so many times. ... But sometimes people don't let grudges go."

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/48960252/ns/us_news-crime_and_courts/

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Monday, September 10, 2012

Louisville Family Fun Events & Things to Do: Birthday Party ...

Anyone who has ever planned their child?s birthday party knows how stressful it can be.
Choosing the location, sending invitations, selecting the food and the entertainment, it all
amounts to a bit of an ordeal. Granted, it?s not rocket science, but a misstep here and there can
greatly reduce the success of the party.

As both a parent and a birthday party entertainer, I have experienced all aspects of creating successful birthday parties. The biggest and most important decision you have to make is how to entertain the guests during the party. This guide will help you make the right entertainment decisions for you and your child and give you valuable insight into how to make your child?s birthday party fun and memorable.

Do it Yourself?
The first decision you will need to make is whether to hire in-home entertainment, have the party at a ?party place?, provide the entertainment yourself, or some combination of all of these options. Hiring outside entertainment or renting a room or facility obviously costs more money, but doing it yourself is more work. As a magician, I am obviously biased towards recommending the hiring of a professional, but if you have a limited budget you can be creative and provide a fun time on your own.

Traditional do-it-yourself options include pi?atas, a craft project, and party games such as Pin the Tail on the Donkey or Musical Chairs. However, you can make it more fun with something a bit different. Here are a couple of ideas I have used:

Birthday Banner
A fun craft idea for young kids is to print out the individual letters in HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAROL (insert birthday child?s name, of course), each on a separate piece of paper. Give one to each child and let them decorate their letter however they wish. Then connect them all and make a big banner that everyone can be proud of.

Decorate Your Own Cupcakes?
Provide undecorated cupcakes and let each child add their own combination of frosting, sprinkles, and various small toppings and candies. Yum!

There are many unique and exciting games you can play at little or no cost to you. Check out the website http://www.activityvillage.co.uk/party_games_and_activities.htm for some great examples. You may want to steer clear of games in which kids get eliminated one at a time, as that creates ?downtime? and can lead to boredom and misbehavior from the kids who are eliminated early.

Hiring an Entertainer?
Many options are available when hiring outside entertainment, so be sure to carefully consider what type of entertainment will fit your needs. The two basic types of entertainers are: 1) One- guest-at-a-time artists and 2) show entertainers.

One-guest-at-a-time artists
Balloon twisters and face-painters fall into the first category. I have seen some amazingly beautiful work done by balloon artists and face-painters and if you have the budget, these can be a nice addition. For some top-notch talent in these areas, visit the ?Links? page on my website, www.steveomagic.com. Keep in mind that these artists generally do not entertain everyone at once (though a good balloon artist is fascinating to watch) and you will need to entertain the other guests while the artist is creating their one-guest-at-a-time creations.

Show Entertainers
Show entertainers provide fun for all of the guests for an allotted amount of time. Magicians and clowns fall into this category. When researching entertainers, consider the age and temperament of your child and the party guests to be sure that the type of entertainer matches the audience. If the child is afraid of clowns in make-up or doesn?t like magic, you may have a problem!

IMPORTANT: Book Early. Most of the highly sought-after entertainers fill their weekend schedules weeks in advance, so the earlier you can get the party scheduled and an entertainer hired, the better.

Here are some things to look for when hiring a show entertainer:

1) Quality. This can be difficult to assess, but check the performer?s website and look for: testimonials from other customers, videos, credentials, and experience. Also, if you know someone who has hired an entertainer and had a good experience with them, chances are you will have positive results as well.
Also note whether the performer is a full-time entertainer or performs for parties as a side job or hobby. Some part-time performers have good shows (and I can recommend some), but a full-time entertainer has his or her livelihood at stake and won?t last long without a quality product.
Finally, try to determine how ?entertaining? the entertainment is (video demos or word- of-mouth helps here). A clown who just dresses up and looks funny will not be very entertaining for long, nor will a magician who simply performs a series of tricks without providing funny and entertaining routines.

2) Professionalism. Does the performer offer a money-back guarantee? Do they have a quality website? On the phone, do they sound and behave professionally? These are all indicators of whether the performer takes his or her job seriously and if they will deliver what they promise.
It is important that you have a good, confident feeling about who you hire. It is common for parents to worry about the person they hired not showing up and ruining little Johnny?s birthday party. One way to help ease those fears is to get the details in writing. I always send a confirmation email to my clients when they hire me describing the date, time, location, cost, and other particulars of the event. Strong communication is key.
Another safeguard is to confirm with the entertainer the week of the party. Many performers will contact you, but it doesn?t hurt to go ahead and touch base with them to make sure things are still on track as planned.

3) Services. Find out exactly what they offer. How long is their birthday party show? Are there multiple packages in different price ranges? Is their show appropriate for the age of your child and your guests? Do they offer other options, such as goody bags, games, or balloon animals?

4) Value. Cost is always a consideration, but when pricing entertainers be sure to evaluate VALUE rather than simply cost. You could spend $100 and get a disappointing show that may not have been worth it even at no cost, or spend a bit more and have your guests talking about how much fun your party was days later. The saying ?you get what you pay for? is appropriate, though it does not always hold true. Evaluate other criteria as well.?Also consider if the show has music, live animal productions, stage backdrop, or other features that add value and pizazz to the show.

5) Requirements.?What are the requirements of their show? How much space do they need? Are there audience size limits? Does the show need to be performed indoors only or is an outdoor show an option? Do they need electricity? What types of payment do they accept? Is a deposit required?

Other Considerations?
I always recommend to my customers to plan on the show starting 30 minutes after the start time of the party. This gives late-comers a chance to arrive before the show starts but also allows the children a chance to enjoy the show before they get too overwhelmed and wound up from other activities.
Always be sure that adults are present at the show and that those not watching the show are not in the same room talking and causing a distraction. I often get comments that the adults enjoyed the show as much as the kids and I know how much fun it is for parents to see their kids laughing and carrying on at a good comedy magic show. (And if the magician has technical chops, he can amaze the adults too!)

In addition:
If you have pets, secure them in another room or location before the entertainer arrives.
Remove as many distractions from the room as possible. If you plan on giving out noisemakers of any kind, do so AFTER the show (please!) Have the payment ready immediately after the show

By taking a thoughtful approach to your birthday party planning, you will be able to select the right entertainment to meet your needs. Hopefully this guide will help you in your planning process and give you some ideas to make your child?s party the talk of the neighborhood!

This is sponsored post courtesy of Steve-o Magic

About the Author Steve ?Steve-o? Haffner is a professional magician and family entertainer who performs his birthday party magic shows for kids of all ages throughout Louisville and surrounding areas. For more information on his services, please visit www.steveomagic.com.

Source: http://www.louisvillefamilyfun.net/2012/09/birthday-party-entertainment-guide-tips.html

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Weight loss is more than just dieting until you hit your target weight. You have to continue down the proper road even right after you lose the weight. Preserving your lifestyle modifications is the crucial to losing weight and keeping it off. This article contains wonderful weight loss advice. If you hate the fitness center, appear for alternate ways to burn calories. This includes factors like riding bikes, playing with a pet, or even washing a car. These activities will feel more like fun than exercise. Locate an activity you get pleasure from and do it as usually as achievable. You will have an easier time losing weight by generating working out a good time. It really is been proven that successful weight loss campaigns always contain exercising. See if workout video games make a difference for you, or simply enjoy some active family recreation instead. If pizza is a staple in your diet, there is a basic method for minimizing your calories and fat when you eat it. Make a pizza oneself with healthful ingredients or absorb all the grease with a napkin ahead of eating pizza from a restaurant. Pound your meat with a meat mallet. This will aid you divide it in smaller portion when you cook it and eat it. Pounded meat is less difficult to cook: really feel free to add healthy sauces or to attempt new ways to cook your meat. To drop weight swiftly, cease drinking. A tiny bit of alcohol is fine, but you wont be in a position to lose weight successfully if you drink too much. Many alcoholic drinks are loaded with lots of calories. If you need to have a drink, try a low calorie 1. Try gradual and slow weight loss if your goal is to make it permanent. You may really feel excellent seeing fast weight loss, but dropping pounds rapidly is typically due to water weight and this weight loss is not going to stick. Steer clear of the temptation to fall for the scams all more than the industry and focus on losing weight slowly and safely. drink in moringa smartmix Your fork is not a shovel. Take moderate mouthfuls of food, chew slowly, and cease eating when you initial start to really feel complete. If you are eating as well quickly, you happen to be probably going to overeat. Losing weightis not that hard, but it does demand a bit of know-how. Dress up fruits and vegetables with wholesome sauces and dips. Fruits can be employed as desserts or made into chutneys as a wholesome accompaniment to low-fat meats or vegetables. Cutting down on processed sugars is 1 wonderful way to eat healthier and shed weight. Get your stress beneath manage. When your body is under a lot of pressure, it tends to hang onto further fat as a sort of primitive defense mechanism. Even even though your pressure may possibly not be permanent, your body still reacts this way. Manage your tension, and losing weight should turn into less difficult. Use the information supplied above to assist you along the way with your weight-loss journey. In order to lose weight, you must make adjustments in your lifestyle. Producing these life style changes will benefit your well being and your waistline. Once you are able to lose the additional weight, you will then want to maintain it.

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    on YOUTUBE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWaiNwqzqTc on VIMEO: https://vimeo.com/47770516 DESCRIPTION: Music Video for the track "On My Own" (taken from the 2011 album "Introspection ~ Extrospection") directed and animated by Emily Weeks (http://emilyweeksart.blogspot.be/). "On My Own" is nominated for an HMMA 2012 award in category POP. We asked Emily Weeks to make an animated music video for this track based on her earlier work (e.g. her animated short "Sweater Wolf" @ https://vimeo.com/23228829, made during her time with the California Institute of the Arts). We love the distinct drawing style and her ability to tell a story using her animation skills, we hope you'll enjoy this music video for "On My Own", which is tightly linked to the meaning of the song. LYRICS: In the town I lived, there is no more time. In the town I lived, there is no more space. Through the woods I walked, but they are no more. And the animals they have long gone. By the lake I dwelled, let my mind be free. But now the shores are dry, this won't be coming back. In the fields I played, there is no more green. In the feels I ran, I seem to stand alone. On my own, there is no one left to embrace, On my own, there is no one left in this place. In my mind I thrive, there I find peace. In my mind I live, there I try to find. What we lost somehow, lost along the way. I try to relive, I stand alone.-Psy'Aviah - On My Own (Music Video)
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    Tags: Muzu Music Psy'Aviah Electronic Psyaviah Psyaviah On My Own Music Video
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    Safe: Movie Trailer

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    A second-rate cage fighter on the mixed martial arts circuit, Luke Wright lives a numbing life of routine beatings and chump change...until the day he blows a rigged fight. Wanting to make an example of him, the Russian Mafia murders his family and banishes him from his life forever, leaving Luke to wander the streets of New York destitute, haunted by guilt, and tormented by the knowledge that he will always be watched, and anyone he develops a relationship with will also be killed. But when he witnesses a frightened twelve-year-old Chinese girl, Mei, being pursued by the same gangsters who killed his wife, Luke impulsively jumps to action...and straight into the heart of a deadly high-stakes war. Mei, he discovers, is no ordinary girl, but an orphaned math prodigy forced to work for the Triads as a "counter." He discovers she holds in her memory a priceless numerical code that the Triads, the Russian mob and a corrupt faction of the NYPD will kill for. Realizing he's the only person Mei can trust, Luke tears a swath through the city's brutal underworld to save an innocent girl's life...and perhaps even redeem his own.
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    BASED ON BALLADS SOAP OPERAS WILLIE O THE..... IN FACT ITS THE OLDEST STOREY OF THE LOT! Willie o Winsbury From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Willie O Winsbury is Child Ballad #100, existing in several variants.[1] It is a traditional Scottish ballad that dates from at least 1775, and is known under a number of different names, including Lord Thomas of Winesberry. A king is away for a long time. His daughter becomes pregnant by the hero, William or Thomas. The king threatens to hang him, but is struck by his beauty and offers him the heroine and gold. The hero accepts the lady but declares that he has both gold and lands enough of his own. [edit]Commentary This ballad closely parallels Child ballad 99, Johnie Scot.[2]. In one variants, the lands are specifically described: he will be king when he returns to Scotland. It may, in fact, be based on James V's courtship of and marriage to Madeleine de Valois of France; James came to see the woman he was betrothed to in disguise, and went on to meet the princess, who fell in love with him.[3] Nowadays the song is often sung to the tune of Fause Foodrage, rather than its own traditional tune. roddy johnston guitar vocals kate badcock sax vocals joane winster clarinete vocals alessandro solzano drums live at seven arts center on the 14 november 2010 words and music by roddy johnston aranged by the valtra spring (c) Category: Music Tags: folk songs ballads irish scots english trad modern how many folkies to change light bulb? the valtra spring roddy johnston seven arts centre kate badcock allesanro solzano dad-gad sax clarinet drums vocals sagas leeds november Lord Thomas of Winesberry. Child Ballad #100 inspirational-THE VALTRA SPRING SEVEN ARTS the big man
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    Submitted By: Muzu
    Tags: Muzu Music Thevaltraspring The Valtra Spring Seven Arts The Big Man
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    BREATH MADE VISIBLE: Movie Trailer

    BREATH MADE VISIBLE: Movie Trailer

    BREATH MADE VISIBLE is the first feature documentary about the life and career of Anna Halprin. The film takes its audience from Halprin?s initial explorations of dance in her childhood to the experimental performances conducted on a dance deck under Californian redwood trees, through her spectacular tours in Europe, her withdrawal from the stage due to illness, and, finally, her triumphant return. Previously unreleased archival footage further extends the subject matter from a personal portrait of an artist to what is essentially the history of the socially and politically committed art of dance performance in North America. In a profoundly touching interview, the late Merce Cunningham reflects: "Anna is a prophet, a philosopher." In 1955, Anna established the world-famous San Francisco Dancers Workshop, which included John Graham and A.A. Leath. They would go on to earned the highest critical acclaim and controversy in Sweden while causing scandal in the U.S. for their use of nudity in their performances. In the ?60s, Halprin would break down more barriers by finding the first multicultural dance company, a poignant symbol of black and white coming together. At the heart of the film is Anna's relationship to her husband and world renowned architect, Lawrence Halprin (Roosevelt Memorial), which allows the film to transcend the medium of dance, just as Anna?s work does, to become a universal tale about survival and expression. An early pioneer in the expressive arts healing movement, the film delves into Anna's work with cancer patients (Anna herself is a survivor), AIDS patients, and the elderly through the use of dance as a method of healing and becoming whole. As she recalls: "Before I had cancer, I lived my life for my art, after I had cancer I lived my art for my life." The recent battles that her own husband has been waging with illness would lead Anna to turn her grief into art once more through the dance routine "Intensive Care" in 2004. With the aid of truly awe-inspiring footage, Halprin can be seen making her triumphant return to the stage at the youthful age of 80. A few years later, during her 15 minute solo performance at the sold out Joyce Theater in New York, Halprin profoundly whispered to her audience: "There are so many more dances yet to do with all you."
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    Submitted By: videodetective
    Tags: Movie Trailers Movie Trailers Breath Made Visible Anna Halprin Ruedi Gerber Documentaries ZAS Film
    Categories: Entertainment

    How To Make Your Own Glow-in-the-Dark Art

    How To Make Your Own Glow-in-the-Dark Art

    Take a break from watching your lava lamp, and have some freaky fun with phosphorescence. Inspired by the Instructables project: http://www.instructables.com/id/UV-Fun/
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    Submitted By: Howcast
    Tags: Hothowtos Instructables Arts Techniques Making Artists Painting Phosphorescence Walls Uv
    Categories: How To Science & Tech

Source: http://loans.ptjobsdb.com/categories/31-arts-entertainment/3727-animation-trainer-make-your-own-cartoons-arts-entertainment.html

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Sunday, September 9, 2012

Oil rises to near $96 ahead of US jobs data

BANGKOK (AP) ? Oil prices rose to nearly $96 a barrel Friday in Asia, reversing earlier losses as traders awaited the release of a key U.S. jobs report.

Benchmark oil for October delivery was up 34 cents at $95.87 a barrel at late afternoon Bangkok time in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange. The contract rose 17 cents to settle at $95.53 on Thursday.

Crude was driven as high as $97.71 on Thursday by word that the European Central Bank would buy unlimited amounts of government bonds to help lower borrowing costs for euro nations that are struggling with debt.

Prices were also boosted by a drop in U.S. unemployment benefit applications and the release of an Energy Information Administration report that showed U.S. crude supplies dropping by more than expected last week. Hurricane Isaac interrupted deliveries of oil imports and refinery activity along the Gulf Coast.

The oil market was looking ahead to the release of U.S. jobs figures for August, to be released later Friday, to help gauge the health of the world's No. 1 economy.

Analysts forecast that the economy generated 135,000 jobs last month and the unemployment rate remained at 8.3 percent, according to a survey by FactSet. That's below the 163,000 jobs gained in July, but an improvement from meager hiring in the spring.

In other energy futures trading, wholesale gasoline futures rose 2 cents to $3.006 per gallon. Heating oil was up less than 1 cent to $3.150 a gallon. Natural gas fell 3 cents to $2.751 per 1,000 cubic feet.


Follow Pamela Sampson on Twitter at http://twitter.com/pamelasampson

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/oil-rises-near-96-ahead-us-jobs-data-092217067--finance.html

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Saturday, September 8, 2012

ECB nomination held up over lack of women

FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) ? The European Parliament has put off a hearing on a nominee for a top European Central Bank job to underline concerns over the absence of women in leadership posts at the eurozone's monetary authority.

Yves Mersch was to appear before the economic and monetary committee Monday on his nomination to a vacancy on the ECB's six-member executive board. Mersch is head of Luxembourg's central bank.

Committee head Sharon Bowles said Friday that she had not received an adequate answer from eurozone finance ministers to a letter asking that at least one woman candidate be considered for the job.

Bowles said the letter to Jean-Claude Juncker, who chairs the grouping of euro finance ministers, also encouraged the ministers to implement a plan to advance women to influential positions at the ECB, national central banks and finance ministries in coming years.

She said she received "some verbal assurances that no women could be located" but no formal reply and no answer regarding the plan to promote women.

"There is now not even a single woman sitting on the main board of what is one of the most powerful and essential institutions in the EU," Bowles said in a statement. "The symbolic and practical effects of this absence are not without note."

No women sit on the executive board that runs the bank day to day, or on the bank's 23-member governing council that sets interest rates. The executive board had one woman member from the bank's founding in 1998 until Gertrude Tumpel-Gugerell left in May 2011.

The European Parliament can delay the nomination but lacks the power to block it. It must give an advisory opinion on the suitability of candidates for ECB posts. That opinion can be disregarded by European leaders, who make the appointments.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/ecb-nomination-held-over-lack-women-094938522.html

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NY court to decide if lap dance is tax-exempt art

This Wednesday, Sept. 5, 2012 photo shows Nite Moves Gentlemen?s club in Latham, N.Y., Wednesday Sept. 5, 2012. The New York strip club says its nude lap dances are an art form and should be exempt from state taxes. The state tax department and an appeals court disagree and want the Nite Moves club in Albany to pay $124,000. New York's highest court hears the arguments Wednesday. Tax officials say sales taxes are owed on so-called "couch sales," where patrons pay for private or lap dances. Nite Moves claims the dances are exempt under state tax law as "live dramatic or musical arts performances." The exemption also applies to theater or ballet. (AP Photo/The Albany Times Union, Michael P. Farrell) TROY, SCHENECTADY; SARATOGA SPRINGS; ALBANY OUT

This Wednesday, Sept. 5, 2012 photo shows Nite Moves Gentlemen?s club in Latham, N.Y., Wednesday Sept. 5, 2012. The New York strip club says its nude lap dances are an art form and should be exempt from state taxes. The state tax department and an appeals court disagree and want the Nite Moves club in Albany to pay $124,000. New York's highest court hears the arguments Wednesday. Tax officials say sales taxes are owed on so-called "couch sales," where patrons pay for private or lap dances. Nite Moves claims the dances are exempt under state tax law as "live dramatic or musical arts performances." The exemption also applies to theater or ballet. (AP Photo/The Albany Times Union, Michael P. Farrell) TROY, SCHENECTADY; SARATOGA SPRINGS; ALBANY OUT

This Wednesday, Sept. 5, 2012 photo shows Nite Moves Gentlemen?s club in Latham, N.Y., Wednesday Sept. 5, 2012. The New York strip club says its nude lap dances are an art form and should be exempt from state taxes. The state tax department and an appeals court disagree and want the Nite Moves club in Albany to pay $124,000. New York's highest court hears the arguments Wednesday. Tax officials say sales taxes are owed on so-called "couch sales," where patrons pay for private or lap dances. Nite Moves claims the dances are exempt under state tax law as "live dramatic or musical arts performances." The exemption also applies to theater or ballet. (AP Photo/The Albany Times Union, Michael P. Farrell) TROY, SCHENECTADY; SARATOGA SPRINGS; ALBANY OUT)

(AP) ? No one would confuse the Nite Moves strip club with the Bolshoi Ballet, but what the lap dancers do there is art and entitled to the same tax exemption other performances enjoy, a lawyer argued Wednesday in what was surely one of the racier tax cases ever to go before New York's highest court.

W. Andrew McCullough, an attorney for the suburban Albany strip joint, told the Court of Appeals that admission fees and lap dances at the club should be freed of state sales taxes under an exemption that applies to "dramatic or musical arts performances."

He said that lap dancing is an art form and that, in any case, the state is not qualified to make such determinations, and that making such distinctions would be a violation of the constitutional right to freedom of expression.

A lawyer for the state rejected that analysis, and authorities are demanding about $400,000 in back taxes from the club.

A ruling is expected next month, with possible consequences for the estimated 150 to 200 adult nightclubs in the state.

During Wednesday's arguments from the club's lawyer, a skeptical Judge Eugene Pigott Jr. said the women are hired untrained and simply "do what they do."

"We need to get past the idea that somehow this is the Bolshoi," Pigott said.

McCullough acknowledged that, but added: "What we're saying is the state of New York doesn't get to be a dance critic."

He presented testimony from a cultural anthropologist who visited the club and concluded that the exotic dancing there qualifies as an art form.

Robert Goldfarb, an attorney for the state, said that nobody would visit the club if the dancers didn't remove their clothes. He also argued that the exemption applies to "choreographed" performances, and what the Nite Moves dancers do doesn't qualify.

At least three members of the seven-judge panel questioned the notion that a performance must be choreographed to be considered artistic. Chief Judge Jonathan Lippman suggested "creative artists in particular" often improvise.

Attorney Bradley Shafer filed a brief on behalf of the Hustler club in New York City in support of Nite Moves and said he has a similar case pending.

While Nite Moves does not serve alcohol, Shafer said the ruling in this case could still affect strip clubs like his client that have liquor licenses. He said there are somewhat similar cases pending in Pennsylvania, Texas and Nevada.

Last year, the Texas Supreme Court said the state could slap a $5 fee on strip club customers, rejecting arguments that the so-called pole tax on nude dancing interferes with the First Amendment right to freedom of expression.

A private lap dance goes for $20 for three minutes at Nite Moves, a windowless building with a small stage and a pole.

"It's definitely a form of art," a dancer said Wednesday afternoon at Nite Moves, where there was only one customer. She declined to give her name, saying she has another, unrelated job. "Some girls are up there practicing for hours when nobody's in here."

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/386c25518f464186bf7a2ac026580ce7/Article_2012-09-05-Lap%20Dance-Taxes/id-9db97fafee1448eea30fad61e5dce93e

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