Saturday, November 10, 2012

Google Changes Placement of Search Options in Results Pages ...

  • Facebook EdgeRank: The Truth About Page Feed Reach and Promoted Posts 08/11/2012

    There have been a lot of articles circulating through the blogosphere over the last several days about whether or not Facebook intentionally adjusted the EdgeRank algorithm to get brand pages to spend more money on promoting posts to their fans. Blogs like Dangerous Minds and Ars Technica cited a noticeable drop in reach for their The post Facebook EdgeRank: [?]

  • Google Penguin: What Lurks Beneath the Surface? 08/11/2012

    Other than cleaning up the quality of the Google index what else could the objective of the Penguin updates be? Much like the icebergs that so often surround penguins, Google's Penguin updates have much, much more going on below the surface. [?]

  • Increase PPC & SEO Conversion With Email Nurture 08/11/2012

    With the costs of pay-per-click advertising and search engine optimization efforts rising, the emphasis of a small business online marketing campaign will increasingly turn to conversion. Email is the most effective nurturing mechanism by far. [?]

  • Google UK Search Market Share Slips Below 90% 08/11/2012

    Google's search market share in UK is much bigger than USA. However, new data from web tracking firm Experian Hitwise found that Google's share of search queries in October 2012 dropped by one percent for a second consecutive month. [?]

  • New Google Universal SERPs Layout Brings Apps to Forefront 07/11/2012

    Did you notice the new Google SERPs layout? Nope, neither did we [?]

  • Source:

    Sam Mikulak London 2012 diving Tim Berners-Lee Olympics 2012 Schedule Kenneth Branagh Lupe Ontiveros London 2012 China

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